Friday, January 15, 2010
Brook arrives Monday!
Taryn is walking! (Written by her mother, Kristine)
around in the house. She uses the wheelchair still if we go out to conserve energy and she just isn't that steady on her feet. When she is out she also has to wear large boots that brace her legs. We call them moon boots! You've each been such a huge part of her healing both physically and emotionally. She is getting better each day. Her jaw has healed nicely and all the hardware is now out of her mouth. This has made her so much more comfortable. Please pray that her healing continues to accelerate. Her goal is to make it to complete her job training in Virginia mid March. That is 2 months away and we can see that it is going to happen! Hopefully soon after that she'll be on her way to Spain. She posted a video of her walking on her blog: Again we are so thankful for each of you! Blessings Kristine
Good News From Betty Jo and Dan Hall
Praise for Betty Jo's recent good medical evaluation at the Mayo Clinic.
Praise for their son, Sam, passing his dental boards at the University of Mississippi School of Dentistry.
Praise and Prayer as they are in their final week in south Florida of "a time to keep (pack) and a time to throw away (or put in storage)" (Ecclesiastes 3:6).
Prayer as they participate in the Field Personnel Orientation at the International Learning Center (ILC) in Rockville, Virginia January 26 - March 25 and the Urban Life Institute (ULI) in Vancouver, Canada April 7 - July 28 in preparation for their ministry in the UK. They plan to arrive in London the first of August.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Jan. 2 urgent requests!
1. Pray for Taryn Blocker, our teammate who was seriously injured in a car accident while in training, to begin to gain strength and have a better appetite. Until a few days ago her jaw was wired shut. Pray also for complete healing for broken legs. We are praying that she will be able to finish training in March and come to the field shortly thereafter. She and her partner, Brook Johnson, are needed for very critical on-site research in