Welcome to our prayer update! Please pray!!

You're connected to the prayer update of a team being formed to share God's love! Yesss! It is an awesome task! We are in Western Europe sharing with the Americas/Caribbean Diaspora (people from South and Central America and the Caribbean scattered throughout the world).

Just click on any picture to the left of the blog and it will enlarge so you can see details.

Friday, February 26, 2010


- Taryn is walking, gaining strength and healing with speed which amazes her doctors. She will have one more week of training in March, and will hopefully join us soon afterward! Go Taryn!!
- Brook is adapting well to Spain and learning Spanish in an intensive course which meets daily. She is always looking for someone she can tell about Jesus. Go Brook!
- Pablo and Carmen are already building relationships, conducting Bible studies, meeting with church leaders in Madrid, and of course, telling all around them of their faith with their natural ability to shine for Jesus! So many open doors - pray for them to know which ones to enter!
- As team leader for our Madrid team, Gary and Julie are involved in research, both short and long range planning, and work on projects and materials. Pray for the Lord's wisdom and direction.
- Halls and Woodsons, currently in training, will be joining us later this coming Summer. Pray for this intense preparation.
- Spikes should be in Spain within the next few weeks. Pray that details of their move to Barcelona will be worked out quickly. They are already involved in planning for leading out in work with the Spanish speakers among the South American immigrants in Europe. We look forward to having them with us soon!
- Please pray for all of us as we prepare for sharing more and more the light of Christ's love! May we be in every way obedient to His guidance and prepared to spread His joy!