Welcome to our prayer update! Please pray!!

You're connected to the prayer update of a team being formed to share God's love! Yesss! It is an awesome task! We are in Western Europe sharing with the Americas/Caribbean Diaspora (people from South and Central America and the Caribbean scattered throughout the world).

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

An update from Brook

Thank ya'll so much! Sorry this is the first i can reply. i was discharged sunday night after 8 hours of getting fixed up in the ER at a different hospital than Taryn. I have a fractured ulna on my left arm and 17 stitches, and scrapes and bruises to my right hand and face with 2 shiners. Taryn has broken fibulas in both legs but had surgery that night to reset them with pins, and some broken bones in her jaw with a swollen face and black eye. today (tuesday) taryn had facial surgery to fix her jaw; she has no memory of the accident. they said she won't have any scarring, and i haven't heard the results back yet. she'll be in a wheelchair for a few months as she is rehabilitated. she's in high spirits and making jokes as she always does :) while i was in the ER i got to share the gospel with several folks, and first thing i heard about taryn she was doing the same! thousands have been in prayer and its evident! the Lord is using this for his glory. my bible flew out of my purse during the accident and was left behind. the man who owned the car went to see it and shared the word with my little bible with a man working the lot. tayrn's nurses won't stop telling about the sweet girl in 214. The Lord has been good. It has kept me going to know that he knew all this was going to happen while we were here at this time, and that he saved our lives. the report from the car by the men who have seen it say Taryn shouldn't have legs, and I shouldn't have a head.

Our greatest prayer needs are for 1) thanks to the Father 2) Taryn's quick recovery with no more apparent physical trauma 3) the Lord will restore my mind from the memory of it all 4) that we will be able to be there in Spain as soon as possible and lastly for our families and friends dealing with this hard time.

I can't thank you enough for all your prayers, they have certainly been heard!!!! They mean more to us than anything else :)

In Love and thanks,


1 comment:

  1. We are so glad to hear the both of you girls are on the road to recovery. We have been praying for you and your families. We know that God is in Control of everything!
    We will continue to lift you up.
    Lori Spikes
